Cold Calling / “Hello, I am a friend of …,” with Sina Najafi
Saturday, 14 November 2020, 6 am–12 pm Eastern Standard Time / 12–6 pm Central European Time
Venue: Cabinet, Ebersstrasse 3, Berlin
Presented in conjunction with the exhibition “And Warren Niesłuchowski Was There.”

Since at least 2005, Niesłuchowski’s email signature typically included a list of all the cities he had recently visited, as well as phone numbers—usually his hosts’—for each location. This signature formed a timeline of his life, a record of his arrivals and departures, which were often undertaken for no reason other than to accompany a friend for some project, attend an exhibition opening, or simply because a host apartment had become available. On the final day of the exhibition, Sina Najafi will call the phone numbers of all these unnamed hosts in an attempt to recover fragments of Niesłuchowski’s vast network of friends and acquaintances.
About the Participant
Sina Najafi is editor-in-chief of Cabinet magazine.