Winter 2000–2001
The Clean Room / Producing Surgery on the Internet
David SerlinIs the rectum a cinema?Colors / Bice
Jonathan AmesSnot to beIngestion / A Personal Gastronomic Alphabet: Part I
Allen S. WeissA–HMain
Is Chance Possible?: An Interview with Robert Kaplan
Sina Najafi and Robert KaplanPattern recognitionNot Just for Silver Foxes
Louisa KampsBingo!Bingo in Swedish Is Bingo: An Interview with Krister Fredriksson
Mats Bigert and Krister FredrikssonPlaying the numbers in a Lutheran country21 Aphorisms
John RobertsThe truth of the accidentalMarilyn Monroe and I
Jesse LernerFernando Sampietro, US mass culture, and the Latin American leftMarilyn Monroe y yo
Fernando SampietroThe first English translationTrickster Eye
Frances RichardSome thoughts on ocular prosthesesStalk Photography
Gregory WilliamsAll face and no nameWhitescapes
David BatchelorHorrible, implacable, murderousArtist Project / The City
Justine KurlandUp, up, and awayThe Encryption Wars: An Interview with Eben Moglen
Jay Worthington and Eben MoglenPrivacy, freedom, and the digital divideThe Love-Bug
Luke MurphyGoing viralAnachronistic Modernism
Tan LinNumbers stations, static, and the Cold War of poetry1485.0 kHz
Carl Michael von Hausswolff, assisted by M. S. C. HardingFriedrich Jürgenson and the voices of the deadMy Mother, My Medium
Jon DrydenA family vehicleInvented Languages
Speaking Martian
Daniel RosenbergHélène Smith’s extraterrestrial séancesThe Alien Argot of the Avant-Garde
Christian BökTalking with the TaelonsCD Insert / abs TruCt heh GarBagt
Charles Bernstein, Christian Bök, and Steve McCafferySonic renditions of imaginary languagesArtist Project / Himalayan Journal
Xu BingThe language of landscapeÖyvind Fahlström’s Aviary
A. S. BessaBirdo, Fåglo, WhammoEsperanto: An Interview with Sabira Ståhlberg
Nina Katchadourian and Sabira StåhlbergStill alive and kickingWar
Inadvertent Memory
Laura KurganSurveilling KosovoNATO as Architectural Critic
Srdjan Jovanovic WeissDestruction and classificationBelgrade Architecture and the War
Vladimir KulicA victory without a victorSomething Where There Should Be Nothing
Renata SaleclOn war and anxietyAnd
Artist Project: Postcard / The Non-Binding Relation of Intellectual Health to Sexual Excellence
Luke MurphyAnother mind-body problemArtist Project / Flies
David ScherAlways up for a spankingArtist Project / Face
David ScherTo prepare a face to meet the faces that you meetWeb Extras
Friedrich Jürgenson
The world’s first recordings of “Electronic Voice Phenomena”
Friedrich Jürgenson
The world’s first recordings of “Electronic Voice Phenomena”