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Fall 2017–Winter 2018
Catherine Keyser
Breakfast cereal, dietary purity, and race Brian Dillon
Possibly not dead at all Bennett Gilbert
Early modern herbaria and the question of botanical representation Anonymous
The beauty of what remainedMain
Amy Knight Powell
How the picture frame was shaped Leif Weatherby
The imaginary history of ternary computing Susan Zieger
Cheiro, Francis Galton, and the reading of hands Alyssa Pelish
The persistence of mercantile emblems Mahan Moalemi
Displaying the material history of the CIAKnowledge
Selections from The Encyclopedic PalaceCecilia Sjöholm
A technology for mastering the world Steven Connor
Prophecy as performance Marina Warner
Perchance to better understand Drinfel'd upper half space Amy Hollywood
Hadewijch and the ravishment of love William N. West
The circle of knowledge and its gaps Lina Bolzoni
A mind endowed with windows Anthony Grafton
Ruse and rationality in Francis Bacon's New Atlantis D. Graham Burnett
Charles Waterton’s “Nondescript” Brian Dillon
Agonizing attention Jamieson Webster
Apocalypse and revelation Sven-Olov Wallenstein
Hegel’s devouring machine Daniel Rosenberg
The ruler of history Chris Wiley
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Ray Kurzweil, and the coming singularityAnd
Knowledge and the Knowledge Cabinet
In the nooks and crannies